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Community Guidelines How we share the ride.

When you drive or ride with ARide4U, you’re contributing to a community that puts people first. Where everyone is treated with equal respect and mutual kindness. Because we’re all in this together.

The people who drive and ride with ARide4U have always gone out of their way to treat each other with care, dignity, and respect. And that’s how you help keep our community welcoming for everyone.

You go above and beyond basic human decency because sometimes everybody needs a little extra kindness.

You find the right vibe when connecting with your driver or rider so everyone feels good about the conversation (or the silence, if you’re having that kind of day).

You respect personal boundaries and keep your hands to yourself.

You respect personal differences and keep your judgments to yourself, too.

You take others’ comfort into account by making sure it’s OK before sharing a personal story, making a phone call, or turning up the volume on your party playlist.

You treat each other’s property like it’s your own, and your driver’s car like it’s a sacred space.

You leave rowdy behavior, greasy snacks, and romantic gestures out of the car.

We want every ride to be safe for everyone, and it’s on all of us to make it happen. You can help by holding yourself accountable to everyone in the car.

You keep alcohol, cigarettes, and weapons out of the car, along with any illegal substances.

You show up where and when you say you will.

You use an accurate name and a profile pic that looks like you, even on bad hair days.

You say yes to service animals because they’re more than furry friends — they’re eyes, ears, wheelchair handlers, and mobility and life support.

You bring the appropriate car seat when you’re traveling with kids.

Speak up with feedback and honest ratings. Whether you’re sharing ARide4U love, expressing a concern, or bringing attention to an issue that impacts our communities, your voice helps make our time together even better.

You give five stars for great experiences with your driver and rider, like excellent service, a squeaky-clean car, or just some good old-fashioned manners.

You provide details with your rating if something goes wrong so we can make it right — and work to keep it from happening to someone else.

What if these guidelines aren’t for me?

We get it. Some of these guidelines aren’t for everyone. But behavior that violates them isn’t welcome when you’re using ARide4U. Anyone who doesn’t take these guidelines — and ARide4U’s Terms of Service — seriously may be permanently removed from the ARide4U platform.